February 24 - March 2, 2010:
Ag heads back to Guatemala to spend a week at Lake Atitlan with his family.

February 11-16, 2010:
Ag heads to Turks and Caicos for work...although most of the work he did was on his tan.

February 3, 2010:
Au celebrates 35.

December 18, 2009:
Au moves back to the NYC area. After almost 7 years, Ag and Au are together again.

November 12, 2009:
Ag celebrates 35 with cocktails, cupcakes and a big room of friends.

March 14 - 22, 2009:
Ag and Au fly to the Bay Islands in Honduras for a week off the grid, scuba certification and their first international trip together since the Race.

February 3, 2009:
Au celebrates 34. Ho hum, part 2.

November 13 -16, 2008:
Ag weekends to FL for his cousin's wedding and some much needed beach and booze time with Au.

November 12, 2008:
Ag celebrates 34. Ho hum.

October 3 - 12, 2008:
Ag flies to Sylt, Germany for a wedding and then to Barcelona for 5 days of much needed alone time and adventure.

August 29 - September 1, 2008:
Au flies to NYC for bubbly and barbecues and rings in Labor Day with Ag.

August 14 - 19, 2008:
Ag and his brother Matt roadtrip from DC to TN to hang with Mom and Fred (and Dolly) in the Smokey Montains.

June 26 - July 6, 2008:
Ag avoids Pride and Independence Day with a trip to see his boys in Great Britain. He is independently proud.

June 18 - 22, 2008:
Ag and Au reconnect in sunny CA for a wedding in wine country and a few debaucherous days in LA. Sideways meets Swingers.

March 14 - 30, 2008:
With winter slowly killing him, Ag heads to Vietnam for paddies, pho and pagodas. 2 weeks of blissful heat and adventure with Mike and Stephen!

February 3, 2008:
Au turns 33. The world yawns again.

December 28, 2007 - January 6, 2008:
Ag escapes the post-holiday blues and New Year's blahs with an impromptu trip to LA & San Diego to see friends.

November 12, 2007:
Ag turns 33. The world yawns.

September 27 - 30, 2007:
Ag flies to FL for his Mom's 60th. A perfect excuse for beach and booze time with Au.

September 17, 2007:
Au passes the Bar! She is offically a lawyer! Now she just needs to get a job and, if Ag has his way, get her ass back to NYC.

September 6-15, 2007:
To distract herself from thinking about Bar results, Au flies to NYC for a much needed break from all things law. After a week of bubbly, she officially loses her bubbles.

August 17 - 31, 2007:
It's off to Israel (a.k.a. the motherland) for Ag. Mediterranean nightlife, salt scubs, religous sites and, allegedly, all the milk and honey he can drink.

July 24 - 25, 2007:
Au takes the Bar. It may be only time she has ever experienced one without a hangover, however this one hurts just as much.

July 1 - 7, 2007:
Ag road trips through NY and up to Buffalo and Rochester to see family. He got a mule and his name is Sal...

May 13, 2007:
3 years after the journey began, Au graduates Law School. Now if she can just make it through the Bar she will head directly to a bar and start celebrating.

March 24 - April 6, 2007:
Needing a fix of Central America and adventure, Ag jets to Nicaragua for volcanos, cloud forests and beaches. Maybe he can meet a handsome Sandinista and start a revolution...of love.

February 18, 2007:
TAR: All-Stars premieres. Ag and Au are still waiting for the call. And for justice. Does Ian really get another chance?

February 3, 2007:
Au celebrates 32. Time flies when you're always in the library studying the Florida Constitution.

December 24, 2006 - January 4, 2007:
Ag flies to FL to celebrate the holidays with family, friends and a short trip to Key West with Au. It was there they discovered stagedy, a strategy for tragedy.

November 12, 2006:
Ag celebrates 32. Almost as boring as 31.

August 19 - September 4, 2006:
Ag jets off to visit friends in Germany and then off for a solo trip to Amsterdam, giving new meaning to the Red Light District.

July 6-15, 2006:
After a year and a half, Au visits Ag in NYC. They city will not be the same.

July 4, 2006:
Happy Independence Day! Independently co-dependent, Ag and Au spend the day with a whole lot of vices.

May 30 - June 8, 2006:
Ag visits Au in FL. After one long night in South Beach, it bcomes clear why distance is necessary.

February 17-27, 2006:
Ag revisits Central America with a solo adventure to Panama for hats, canals and sun.

February 3, 2006:
Now it is Au's turn to find out that 31 is kind of a snore...

January 16, 2006:
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Rest assured that Ag and Au would never judge anyone by the color of their skin... but will find plenty of other reasons to judge.

December 23, 2005 - January 2, 2006:
Ag flies to FL to for an all-encompassing celebration of Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's and most importanly his friendship with Au.

November 24, 2005:
Gobble, gobble. Happy Thanksgiving pilgrims! The only kind of turkey Ag & Au need to get through this holiday is Wild Turkey. Cheers!

November 12, 2005:
Ag must deal with the fact that 31 is not a very exciting birthday.

October 31, 2005:
Happy Halloween. Ag and Au disguise themselves as adults. Hmmm...not so fun.

October 8-19, 2005:
Ag, in a desperate attempt to extend summer, travels La Ruta Maya, soaking up sun and adventure in Belize & Guatemala.

August 19-29, 2005:
In order to escape the August heat and all things real, Ag flies to Colorado to visit with his favorite cousins and get all Rocky Mountain high. Shout out Parkhills!

July 11, 2005:
TAR goes into syndication on GSN. Ag and Au prepare to handle the media circus that comes with an extension of 15 minutes of sub-lebrity. Hollywood, this is your last chance. Call us...please.

July 4, 2005:
Happy Independence Day! From two co-dependents to all of you...independence is over-rated.

April 21 - May 2, 2005:
Istanbul not Constantinople. Ag, requiring a more extreme version of escapism than mere reality TV, heads to Turkey for a solo adventure in kebabs, hamams and whirling dervishes.

March 17, 2005:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Little leprechauns Ag and Au last seen desperately searching for their pot of gold.

February 26 - March 5, 2005:
Au flies to NYC to celebrate a belated birthday with her friends and take a much needed break from Law School. It is still unclear whether or not Ag will talk her into staying.

February 8, 2005:
TAR6 Finale. Looks like Ag is gonna have to start drinking at noon today. Not only is some enraging, undeserving team gonna win, but it's also TARcon.

February 3, 2005:
Au turns 30. There is nothing funny to say.

January 17, 2005:
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Rest assured that Ag and Au would never judge anyone by the color of their skin... but will find plenty of other reasons to judge.

January 2, 2005:
Ag and Au have already broken 80% of their resolutions.

January 1, 2005:
Another year begun with a massive hangover. Ag and Au make some serious resolutions.

December 25, 2004:
Merry Christmas to all, and to all (our goyish friends) a goodnight.

December 24, 2004 - January 3, 2005:
Ag jets back to South Florida for some holiday cheer and lots of spirits. This time he and Au hope that they won't be victims of crime.

December 7-14, 2004:
Ag and Au would like to wish their fellow Jews a very Happy Hanukkah. Come gather round the table, they'll give you treat.

November 25, 2004:
Gobble, gobble. Happy Thanksgiving pilgrims! The only kind of turkey Ag & Au need to get through this holiday is Wild Turkey. Cheers!

November 18-28, 2004:
Ag jets to South Florida to prolong the festivities of his 30th birthday. Au decides to put down the books for a week in order run on the wrong side of the law. Bonnie and Clyde meet Will and Grace.

November 16, 2004:
TAR 6 premiers. Ag and Au are still waiting for your calls, Hollywood. Remember them? TAR3? Didn't think so.

November 12, 2004:
A Star Was Born. Ag turns 30 and decides now would be a bad time to stop drinking and get his life together.

October 31, 2004:
Happy Halloween. Ag and Au disguise themselves as adults. Not so much fun.

September 21, 2004:
TAR5 finale and parties. Another chance for Ag to be shunned by former racers. Was it something he said?

September 19, 2004:
56th Annual Primetime Emmys -
TAR wins the Emmy for Outstanding Reality/Competition Program for the second year in a row. Ag and Au firmly believe, however, that they could give a better acceptance speech than Bertram.

September 16, 2004:
L'shana Tova and Happy 5765. Ag and Au are out partying like it's 5699

August 19-September 5, 2004:
It's all goulash and guys. Needing to escape his own insanity, Ag jets to Prague, Budapest and Vienna for a couple of weeks of high-carbs and low morals.

August 16, 2004:
Au continues on her virgin quest to finish something she starts. Having completed mission #1 (getting into law school), she is off on #2 (getting through the first hour). Well...maybe "year" is more optimistic.

July 19-26, 2004:
Au is off to Jamaica to spend a decadent week splashing about the Caribbean doing all of her favorite things. All of them.

July 16, 2004:
All grown up with somewhere to go! Finally! On this, the most precious of all days she has seen in over a year, Au moves into her very own super-fabulous apartment. Hallelujah.

July 6, 2004:
TAR5 premiers. Ag & Au relive fabulous memories and lost opportunities. If Hollywood is reading, we are still accepting calls.

July 4, 2004:
Happy Independence Day! From two co-dependents to all of you...independence is over-rated.

June 27, 2004:
Happy Pride! Ag shows his by avoiding the parade and drinking himself silly.

April 29-May 3, 2004:
Ag jets down to Florida to visit family, Arianne and a couple of wild British blokes he met in Greece. Big shout out to Ollie and Adam.

April 15-20, 2004:
Au flees FL to visit NYC for a long weekend of drinking, lounging and The L Word.

April 1-13, 2004:
Ag takes off on a southwestern adventure. Phoenix, Las Vegas and Houston will never be the same. And that is definitely a good thing...

March 17, 2004:
If at first you don't succeed, try try again! Having passed the LSAT Au gets into Law School!!!! Our legal system will never be the same again.

March 17, 2004:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Little leprechauns Ag and Au last seen desperately searching for their pot of gold.

March 6, 2004:
Ag mourns the death of his beloved boy cat, Sydney Vicious.

February 14, 2004:
Happy Valentine's Day! For the first time in a long time, Au finds the "happy" in this Hallmarker. See you later Jack Daniels! Meanwhile, Ag thinks Au is full of it and starts drinking for 2. Ok, 3. Fine, 5.

February 11-24, 2004:
One night in Bangkok! Needing to escape the winter (and his own mind) Ag and his friend Stephen head to Thailand for noodles, massages and hunky Australian tourists!

February 7, 2004:
Au takes LSAT. Again.

February 3, 2004:
Au turns 29 for the first time. All birthdays from now on will be the her "29th." No gifts, please.

January 1, 2004:
Needless to say Ag & Au will both be suffering intense hangovers today and will probably never get out of bed. If they even wake up in their own. Cheers!

December 31, 2003:

December 25, 2003:
Merry Christmas to all, and to all (our goyish friends) a goodnight.

December 19-28, 2003:
Ag jets to Florida some Chanukah cheer in the sun. And to help Au make sense of the stranger she has become to herself.

December 18, 2003:
TAR3 Holiday Dinner! Ag joins 8 others from season 3 to reunite, rekindle and rehash. When Flo & Zach don't pay, he will also be reminded that life is not fair.

December 11, 2003:
Ag ends a 2 month relationship. Don't feel bad though. Just because he was dating a selfish, self-absorbed prick, he isn't the least bit bitter.

December 7, 2003:
Au, fearing the worst, cancels her score and jeopardizes her chances of ever getting into law school. Panic sets in just in time for the holidays.

December 6, 2003:
Au takes the LSAT.

November 27, 2003:
Gobble, gobble. Happy Thanksgiving pilgrims! The only kind of turkey Ag & Au need to get through this holiday is Wild Turkey. Cheers!

November 12, 2003:
Ag's 29th Birthday! It's an "Suburban Urban" adventure with bowling, dinner at Red Lobster and drinks at HoJo's. A first for Ag and definitely a last.

October 31, 2003:
Happy Halloween! -
Au and her new beau jet to NYC for a ghoulish week of urban adventure.

October 12, 2003:
Happy Columbus Day, everyone!

October 6, 5764:
9:45 am
Au kicks the day off with a big glass of OJ and eggs. Another Day of Atonement to atone for.
7:00 pm
Break the Fast celebration dinner. Au definitely regrets not fasting. The day has become ironically gluttonous.

October 5, 5764:
Yom Kippur begins. The Day of Atonement is a very serious and solemn holiday. In order to make up for their myriad of collective sins, Ag and Au will fast not only for the rest of this evening, but for the whole of October 6th. And maybe longer...

October 4, 2003:
Au scheduled to take the LSAT. Au postpones test until December. Au attends a Marlins game instead nervously amused by the stranger she has become to herself.

September 26, 2003/5764:
L'Shana Tova! Happy New Year!
Ag and Au raise their glasses to a new year full of promise, potential and probable disappointment. More Manishevitz please!

September 21, 2003:
55th Annual Primetime Emmys -
On behalf of the production team, cast and crew, Ag & Au humbly accept TAR3's Emmy for Outstanding Reality/Competition Program

August 25, 2003:
Fearful of impending lawsuits and an uncertain future, Au begins preparing for the LSAT.

August 22-September 6, 2003:
Ag, although having been to paradise, says "I've Never been to ME." So he has decided to begin the search while island hopping in Greece. Opa!

August 21, 2003:
TAR4 Finale Party at Manhattan Chili Co. followed by TARcon4 at Q's Lounge
With Au nowhere to be found, it was a night of booze and regrets for Ag. Shout out to Chris & Amanda, Tara and Oswald for making the night bearable.

August 14, 2003:
Despite some alleged rumors, Ag and Au had nothing to do with the Blackout of 2003.

July 17-21, 2003:
W"GAY"RP - Ag & Au attend the Reality 4 Diabetes Fundraiser and put much needed sin back in Sin-sinnati, OH.

July 17, 2003:
55th Annual Primetime Emmy Nominations Announced
Due to Ag & Au's riveting portrayal of themselves, TAR3 was nominated for the first Emmy for Outstanding Reality/Competition Program

July 4, 2003:
Happy Independence Day!

July 1, 2003:
The Survivor Playboy hits newsstands. Ag & Au start fielding calls from Hustler, Juggs & Barely Legal

June 29, 2003:
Happy Gay Pride! As Ag takes in the usual NYC display of flag waving fags and daring dykes on bikes, Au combs the streets of Boca Raton in a vain attempt to find anyone out of the closet.

April 17-25, 2003:
Ag flies to Florida to work on his tan, discover the perfect mojito and rescue Au from the trappings of her "beautiful mind."

March 21-24, 2003:
Always the bridesmaids, never the brides. Au reunites with Ag in NYC for friends Sharon & Nuri's wedding. Mazel Tov!

March 17, 2003:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Inexplicable fears of leprechauns, green beer, bigots, shamrocks, and dyed carnations make this the perfect holiday for Ag & Au to ignore.

March 2, 2003:
With offers pouring in from around the globe, Au heads to Florida for sabbatical and to weigh the pros and cons of being bi (costal).

March 1, 2003:
A Moment Like This: A Reality Farewell Fiasco
Arianne's going away party at The Slide, NYC

February 14, 2003:
Happy Valentine's Day! Still single and lonely, Ag & Au would like to thank their close friend and mutual Valentine, Jack... Jack Daniels.

February 13-23, 2003:
Abandoning the responsibility of helping Au pack, Ag and his friend Stephen travel to Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Punta del Este. Adios...

February 3, 2003:
Arianne's 28th Birthday party at Jeollado, NYC. Sushi, sake and song as Au and friends drink and drink and drink and then drink. Happy Birthday!

January 20, 2003:
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! Rest assured that Ag and Au would never judge anyone by the color of their skin...but will find plenty of other reasons to judge.

January 1-5, 2003:
Due to the nature of their activities New Year's Eve, Ag and Au are not permitted to reveal their whereabouts for these days.

December 31, 2002:
Happy New Year!

December 27-29, 2002:
Ag & Au make one last jaunt to suburbia before the new year. Shout out Rockland and Bergen Counties!

December 25, 2002:
Ag and Au spend X-mas with some shiksa friends by having brunch at Cafeteria and paying homage to Jesus' birth by drinking Bloody Mary's.

December 18, 2002:
TAR 3 Finale.
1st Party: No one even knows what that dump was called but someone lost their job at CBS for choosing it!

2nd Party: Television Without Pity's TARcon at Proof Although apprehensive at first, they ended up having a hoot, which only proves that with help from the bottle, mean and crazed fanatics can be fun and friendly...and no matter how much she drinks, Miss Alli will always hate them.

3rd Party: Various other locations stumbled into around the Flat Iron District... and subsequently blacked out of their minds.

After hours: Both Ag and Au found themselves getting to know a select few racers from seasons' past on a more intimate level.

December 10, 2002:
Ag and Au realize the harsh truths of LA and fall into complete and total depression.

December 4-9, 2002:
Ag & Au jet to LA in their first attempt at complete and total media takeover.

November 29, 2002:
With glasses brimming with Manischewitz, Aaron and Arianne light the first Chanukah candle wearing Aaron's 3-D Star of David glasses. L'chaim!

November 28, 2002:
Happy Thanksgiving! Aaron is in Buffalo with some family while Arianne gets liquored up with her cat.

November 16, 2002:
"You Haven't Seen the Last of Us" Aaron and Arianne's elimination party / Aaron's birthday @ Ava lounge, NYC

November 13, 2002:
Aaron and Arianne's elimination from TAR 3 - the world watches in disbelief!

November 12 2002:
Aarons 28th birthday. Almost 40 and still alone... With 2 cats.

06.10.03: Advocate.com
03.4.03: Advocate.com
01.16.03: Survivor Central
11.26.02: Planet Out Interview
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